August 31, 2009

Character Concepts From is evil, but maybe it can be made to work for good by providing character concepts? Today's trick will be me trying to make a (sorta) sensible character out of three concepts randomly picked from tvtropes. has a "random article" button, of course. Let's see where I end up...

Mythology 101 Cycle. Not a concept. Moving on...
Arrow Cam. I suppose you could do something with this, but I'll be lazy and move on.
Walking The Earth. That's better. Concept #1 is picked.
Indecipherable Lyrics. We might need a way to filter categories for this to work...
Roadside Wave. Ho hum...
Can't Stay Normal. Second concept nailed down!
Uncle Pennybags. And the third concept shows up in short order.

So in 7 clicks, we have a character who is Walking The Earth (like Banner from that old Hulk show) and Can't Stay Normal. Sounds a lot like Bruce Banner, actually, except he's also Filthy Rich and Not A Jerk About It.

I guess this Frankenstein's Character is some sort of playboy/hippie, travelling the countryside, trying to stay out of trouble as he enters a new town and blends in with the help of a sizable bank account. But then adventure happens and he has to pull out his super powers. Follow the adventures of The Incredibly Rich Hulk on channel five!

This method may or may not need polishing...


Unknown said...

I like the concept! I'll give it a try -

Jungle princess
So beautiful it's a curse
Salt and Pepper

Took me about 15 hits to get those, I kept getting movie entries.

So we have a dryad princess or maybe a druidic type, or a beastmaster Ranger, who is tragically so beautiful that powerful mortal men vie for her affection, going to war, destroying the nature she loves, etc. She is innocent, naive, straight laced, while her intelligent panther is crass, smart mouthed and insghtful.

Nice. I think you're on to something here.

Anders Hällzon said...

"Took me about 15 hits to get those, I kept getting movie entries."

Ow. That's the main disadvantage, I'd guess. Nice concept too.